Guided Exercise: Setting up the SAP HSR

In this exercise, you access and use the lab environment, and install SAP HANA system replication on the previously installed SAP HANA servers.


You write a playbook that installs SAP HANA system replication from the hana1 to the hana2 server.

Installation steps

  1. Change to the ansible-files directory in your home directory:

    [student@workstation ~]$ cd ~/ansible-files
  2. Add the following content to the group_vars/hanas file:

    ## BEGIN sap_hana_hsr parameters
      - node_name:
        node_ip: ""
        node_role: primary
        hana_site: DC01
      - node_name:
        node_ip: ""
        node_role: secondary
        hana_site: DC02
    ## END sap_hana_hsr parameters

    With this configuration, you achieve the following outcome:

    • You define the nodes for system replication. This variable is also used later in the cluster setup.
  3. Create the setup-hsr.yml playbook to install SAP HANA on the servers:

    - name: Step 3-C - Configure HANA System Replication
      hosts: hanas
      become: true
        - name: Configure System Replication
            name: community.sap_install.sap_ha_install_hana_hsr
  4. Execute the setup-hsr.yml playbook.

    [student@workstation ~]$ ansible-playbook setup-hsr.yml -v -K
  5. Log in to hana1 and verify that system replication is working.

    [student@workstation ansible-files]$ ssh hana1
    Last login: Fri Jul 22 04:49:22 2022
    [student@hana1 ~]$ sudo su - rheadm
    [sudo] password for student: student
    Last login: Fr Jul 22 04:49:35 EDT 2022 on pts/0
    rheadm@hana1:/usr/sap/RHE/HDB00> cdpy
    rheadm@hana1:/usr/[...]/python_support> python
    |Database |Host  |Port  |Service Name |Volume ID |Site ID |Site Name |Secon   ...
    |         |      |      |             |          |        |          |Host    ...
    |-------- |----- |----- |------------ |--------- |------- |--------- |------  ...
    |SYSTEMDB |hana1 |30001 |nameserver   |        1 |      1 |DC01      |hana2   ...
    |RHE      |hana1 |30007 |xsengine     |        2 |      1 |DC01      |hana2   ...
    |RHE      |hana1 |30003 |indexserver  |        3 |      1 |DC01      |hana2   ...
    status system replication site "2": ACTIVE
    overall system replication status: ACTIVE
    Local System Replication State
    mode: PRIMARY
    site id: 1
    site name: DC01

    Notice here that data is being replicated from hana1 to hana2, and the servers are fully in sync.

  6. Log in to hana2 and verify the replication state.

    [student@workstation ansible-files]$ ssh hana2
    [student@hana2 ~]$ sudo su - rheadm
    [sudo] password for student: student
    rheadm@hana2:/usr/sap/RHE/HDB00> hdbnsutil -sr_state
    System Replication State
    online: true
    mode: sync
    operation mode: logreplay
    site id: 2
    site name: DC02
    is source system: false
    is secondary/consumer system: true
    has secondaries/consumers attached: false
    is a takeover active: false
    is primary suspended: false
    is timetravel enabled: false
    replay mode: auto
    active primary site: 1
    primary masters: hana1
    Host Mappings:
    hana2 -> [DC02] hana2
    hana2 -> [DC01] hana1
    Site Mappings:
    DC01 (primary/primary)
        |---DC02 (sync/logreplay)
    Tier of DC01: 1
    Tier of DC02: 2
    Replication mode of DC01: primary
    Replication mode of DC02: sync
    Operation mode of DC01: primary
    Operation mode of DC02: logreplay
    Mapping: DC01 -> DC02

    Notice here that hana2 is the secondary site named DC02, and hana1 is the primary server.

  7. Now that both servers are in sync, take over the primary role on hana2:

    rheadm@hana2:/usr/sap/RHE/HDB00> hdbnsutil -sr_takeover

    Running this command might take some time.

    After a takeover, both servers are acting as primary servers. Therefore, before initiating a takeover, you must ensure that no application is writing to hana1 any more, for example by shutting down hana1 first. In this case, no application exists yet, so it is not a concern.

  8. Now you register hana1 as a new secondary server.

    1. Log in to hana1 and assume rheadm:

      [student@workstation ansible-files]$ ssh hana1
      [student@hana1 ~]$ sudo su - rheadm
      [sudo] password for student: student
    2. Stop the HANA database:

      rheadm@hana1:/usr/sap/RHE/HDB00> HDB stop
      hdbdaemon will wait maximal 300 seconds for NewDB services finishing.
      Stopping instance using: /usr/sap/RHE/SYS/exe/hdb/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP
        -nr 00 -function Stop 400
      07.09.2022 06:00:42
      Waiting for stopped instance using: /usr/sap/RHE/SYS/exe/hdb/sapcontrol
        -prot NI_HTTP -nr 00 -function WaitforStopped 600 2
      07.09.2022 06:01:12
      hdbdaemon is stopped.
    3. Register hana1 as secondary host to hana2:

      rheadm@hana1:/usr/sap/RHE/HDB00>  hdbnsutil -sr_register --name=DC01 \
      > --remoteHost=hana2 --remoteInstance='00' --replicationMode=sync
      --operationMode not set; using default from global.ini/[system_replication]/
      operation_mode: logreplay
      adding site ...
      collecting information ...
      updating local ini files ...
    4. Start database again on hana1:

      rheadm@hana1:/usr/sap/RHE/HDB00> HDB start
      Impromptu CCC initialization by 'rscpCInit'.
        See SAP note 1266393.
      Starting instance using: /usr/sap/RHE/SYS/exe/hdb/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 00 -function StartWait 2700 2
      07.09.2022 06:08:13
      07.09.2022 06:08:43
    5. On hana1, verify the replication state:

      rheadm@hana1:/usr/sap/RHE/HDB00> hdbnsutil  -sr_state
      System Replication State
      online: true
      mode: sync
      operation mode: logreplay
      site id: 1
      site name: DC01
      is source system: false
      is secondary/consumer system: true
      has secondaries/consumers attached: false
      is a takeover active: false
      is primary suspended: false
      is timetravel enabled: false
      replay mode: auto
      active primary site: 2
      primary masters: hana2
      Host Mappings:
      hana1 -> [DC02] hana2
      hana1 -> [DC01] hana1
      Site Mappings:
      DC02 (primary/primary)
          |---DC01 (sync/logreplay)
      Tier of DC02: 1
      Tier of DC01: 2
      Replication mode of DC02: primary
      Replication mode of DC01: sync
      Operation mode of DC02: primary
      Operation mode of DC01: logreplay
      Mapping: DC02 -> DC01
  9. On hana2, verify the replication state:

    [student@workstation ansible-files]$ ssh hana2
    Last login: Fri Jul 22 04:49:22 2022
    [student@hana2 ~]$ sudo su - rheadm
    [sudo] password for student: student
    Last login: Fr Jul 22 04:49:35 EDT 2022 on pts/0
    rheadm@hana2:/usr/sap/RHE/HDB00> cdpy
    rheadm@hana2:/usr/[...]/python_support> python
    |Database |Host  |Port  |Service Name |Volume ID |Site ID |Site Name |Secon   ...
    |         |      |      |             |          |        |          |Host    ...
    |-------- |----- |----- |------------ |--------- |------- |--------- |-----   ...
    |SYSTEMDB |hana2 |30001 |nameserver   |        1 |      2 |DC02      |hana1   ...
    |RHE      |hana2 |30007 |xsengine     |        2 |      2 |DC02      |hana1   ...
    |RHE      |hana2 |30003 |indexserver  |        3 |      2 |DC02      |hana1   ...
    status system replication site "1": ACTIVE
    overall system replication status: ACTIVE
    Local System Replication State
    mode: PRIMARY
    site id: 2
    site name: DC02

    If the overall system replication status is ACTIVE, the system replication is configured correctly.