Describing Ansible Concepts


For taking this training, it is assumed that you already have decent Ansible knowledge. To refresh your knowledge, the following sections briefly cover the concepts and key components of Ansible.

The Control Node and Execution Environment

The host, where all Ansible files are stored, such as Ansible Playbooks, inventory, and collections, is often referred to as the Control Node.

The host or container that finally executes an action, such as to run a playbook with the ansible-playbook command, is often referred to as the Execution Engine. Frequently, including in this course, the control node contains the execution engine.

In Ansible Automation Platform 2 and later Ansible releases, running the ansible-navigator command on the control node can perform actions on different execution engines that can be spread across multiple hosts.

The Inventory

The inventory can be a file or a script that creates the content dynamically on access. The output format of the script must be JSON.

The static inventory file lists and groups the hosts to manage in ini-style. For example:



The inventory is also a place where you can define variables. A good practice is to store only connection-based variables such as for the IP address, connection user, method or port, if needed in the inventory file.

The Ansible Configuration Files

You can customize the behavior of Ansible by modifying settings in the Ansible ini-style configuration file. Ansible selects its configuration file from one of several possible locations on the control node. See .

It is recommended to create an ansible.cfg file in a directory from which you run Ansible commands. This directory would also contain any files that your Ansible project uses, such as the inventory and playbooks. You can now create your configurations that differ from the global configuration file (/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg), in the local ansible.cfg file.

The following example shows a configuration file that creates an entry to use a locally defined inventory instead of the default /etc/ansible/hosts file:


This inventory is now used without a need to provide the -i option.

Ansible Playbooks

Playbooks are files which describe the intended configurations or steps to implement on managed hosts. Playbooks can change lengthy, complex administrative tasks into easily repeatable routines with predictable and successful outcomes.

An analogy: When Ansible modules are the tools in your workshop, the inventory is the materials and the playbooks are the instructions.

Playbooks are text files that are written in YAML format, and therefore have the following needs:

  • To start with three dashes (---)

  • Proper indentation with spaces and not tabs

These concepts are important:

  • hosts: The managed hosts to perform the tasks on

  • tasks: The operations to perform by invoking Ansible modules and passing them the necessary options

  • become: Privilege escalation in playbooks

The ordering of the contents within a playbook is important, because Ansible executes plays and tasks in the order that they are presented.

A playbook should be idempotent, so if a playbook is run once to put the hosts in the correct state, then it should be safe to run it a second time and it should not change the hosts further. Most Ansible modules are idempotent, so it is relatively easy to ensure that it is the case.

Try to avoid the command, shell, and raw modules in playbooks. Because these modules take arbitrary commands, it is easy to end up with non-idempotent playbooks with these modules.

An example playbook looks as follows:

- name: Apache server installed
  become: yes
  - name: latest Apache version installed
      name: httpd
      state: latest

In this playbook:

  • A name is given for the play.

  • The host to run against and privilege escalation are configured.

  • A task is defined and named, here by using the “yum” module with the needed options.

Ansible Variables

Ansible supports variables to store values that can be used in playbooks. Variables can be defined in various places, and have a clear precedence. Ansible substitutes the variable with its value when a task is executed.

Variables are referenced in playbooks by placing the variable name in double curly braces.

Here comes a variable 

The recommended practice is to define variables in files in the host_vars and group_vars directories:

  • For example, to define variables for a group named servers that is already defined in the inventory, create a YAML file named group_vars/servers with the variable definitions.

  • To define variables specifically for a host, create the host_vars/ file with the variable definitions.

Host variables take precedence over group variables. (More information about precedence can be found in the documentation.)

Ansible Facts

Ansible facts are variables that Ansible automatically discovers from a managed host. Facts are pulled by the setup module, and contain useful information that is stored into variables that administrators can reuse. The setup module is run by default at the beginning of every play, unless you define gather_facts: no.

Ansible Conditionals

Ansible can use conditionals to execute tasks or plays when certain conditions are met.

To implement a conditional, the when statement must be used, followed by the condition to test. The condition is expressed by using one of the available operators, for example for comparison:

== Compares two objects for equality.
!= Compares two objects for inequality.
> True if the left side is greater than the right side.
>= True if the left side is greater than or equal to the right side.
< True if the left side is less than the right side.
< = True if the left side is less than or equal to the right side.

For more information, see the Jinja2 Template Designer documentation:

Ansible Handlers

Sometimes, when a task changes the system, a further task might need to be run. For example, a change to a service’s configuration file might then require restarting the service for the changed configuration to take effect.

Here, the Ansible handlers come into play. Handlers can be seen as inactive tasks that are triggered only when explicitly invoked with the notify statement.

As a an example, consider a playbook with the following attributes:

  • It manages the Apache httpd.conf configuration file on all hosts in the webserver group.

  • It restarts Apache when the file changes.

- name: manage httpd.conf
  hosts: webserver
  become: yes
  - name: Copy Apache configuration file
      src: httpd.conf
      dest: /etc/httpd/conf/
       - restart_apache
    - name: restart_apache
        name: httpd
        state: restarted

So, what is new here?

  • The notify section calls the handler only when the copy task changed the file.

  • The handlers section defines a task that is run only on notification.

Ansible Templates

Ansible uses Jinja2 templating to modify files before they are distributed to managed hosts. Jinja2 is one of the most-used template engines for Python ().

When a template for a file is created, it can be deployed to the managed hosts by using the template module, which supports the transfer of a local file from the control node to the managed hosts.

As an example of using templates, you can create the following motd file to contain host-specific data.

In your templates directory, create the motd-facts.j2 template file:

Welcome to .
deployed on  architecture.

The following playbook would deploy the template file after replacing the variables with the current host values that the setup module collected:

- name: Fill motd file with host data
  become: yes
    - template:
        src: motd-facts.j2
        dest: /etc/motd
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0644

Ansible Roles

Compared with the previous brief example, a HANA database installation might need many more tasks. To write a playbook with all these tasks can be quickly become confusing or unclear. Similar to creating parameterized functions in other programming languages, you can create roles in Ansible that can execute several tasks and be parameterized with variables.

Ansible Collections

Ansible Content Collections are a distribution format for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform content that can include playbooks, roles, modules, and plug-ins around specific topic areas.

Ansible Content Collections represent the new standard of distributing, maintaining, and consuming automation. By combining multiple types of Ansible Automation Platform content, flexibility and scalability are improved.

A content collection is designed to have a consistent format for content creators to ship bundles of modules, plug-ins, roles, and documentation together, and for users to consume these pieces from a single place.

Ansible Content Collections enable Ansible Automation Platform users to get up and running with curated content from certified partners and from Red Hat.

This prepackaged content is sorted by content domain and requires less upfront work to find and assemble different roles and modules.

Ansible Collections for SAP

Together with other partners, Red Hat is developing a comprehensive set of collections to install and manage SAP systems with Ansible. For more details, browse the project homepage at . The fully supported collections are in Automation Hub

Additional Information

Getting Started with Ansible

What Are Ansible Content Collections?

Ansible Documentation

SAP Installation Collection at Automation Hub