Installing and Configuring Ansible Roles for Base Configuration of SAP Systems

Overview of the Installation Workflow

The installation of an SAP system can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Provisioning of the servers

  2. Basic operating system configuration, which is often referred to as Corporate Standard Build

  3. Installation of SAP HANA database

  4. Installation of SAP NetWeaver-based application such as SAP S/4HANA

workflow image missing

The server provisioning (step 1) is typically the most individual part for each customer in this workflow. For example, it could involve the following activities:

  • Bare metal rack mounting, cabling, and kickstarting, or with a pre-provisioned operating system by the supplier

  • Virtual environments with kickstart or image provisioning

  • A public or private cloud with image provisioning

Thus, this initial phase can be achieved in many ways It might need manual intervention for bare metal servers. Automation tools such as Ansible, terraform, or other scripts might be involved.

They all have in common that the end result is at least a minimal RHEL system with fully attached resources (disk, CPU, and memory) that are reachable via ssh from an Ansible host.

In step 2, these resources must be configured according to corporate standards, including monitoring, backup, security, and other compliance rules. Storage, network and other configuration could be done here as well. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Roles collection provides many useful roles to achieve this basic operating system setup.

Step 3 covers the installation of the SAP HANA database, as a foundation for all applications such as B/4HANA or S/4HANA that run on top of the database. This installation can be done stand-alone or as highly available by using HANA System Replication (HSR).

Finally, step 4 installs the NetWeaver application servers together with the SAP application (such as S/4HANA) and connects to the database that was installed in step 3.

Overview of Needed Collections and Roles for SAP Installations

For installing SAP HANA, these roles from the following collections might be useful:

Linux System Roles Collection (`redhat.rhel_system_roles`)

- ``,
  []( -
  for the storage configuration of your systems

- `rhel_system_roles.timesync`,
  []( -
  for proper time synchronization

- ``,
  []( -
  for complex network configurations, which are typical in SAP
  1. SAP Installation Collections (redhat.sap_install)

    • sap_install.sap_general_preconfigure, - configures general requirements for SAP software

    • sap_install.sap_hana_preconfigure, - configures SAP HANA-specific requirements

    • sap_install.sap_hana_install, - runs the hdblcm SAP HANA installer unattended

For installing SAP NetWeaver, these roles from the following collections might be useful:

  1. Linux System Roles Collection (redhat.rhel_system_roles)

    •, - for the storage configuration of your systems

    • rhel_system_roles.timesync, - for proper time synchronization

    •, - for complex network configurations, which are typical in SAP environments

  2. SAP Installation Collections (redhat.sap_install and community.sap_install)

    • sap_install.sap_general_preconfigure, - configures general requirements for SAP software

    • sap_install.sap_netweaver_preconfigure, - configures SAP NetWeaver-specific requirements

    • sap_install.sap_swpm, - executes sapinst with created configuration file for unattended installation

Click each of these roles for details of how to use them.

Important Parameters for Roles that Prepare SAP Installations

This section explains the most important parameters for the roles that prepare a system to get HANA or NetWeaver software. You can use a more granular configuration of each role, which you can find in the documentation.

SAP servers have storage requirements that depend on the server size. A detailed SAP HANA sizing guide is attached to SAP Note #1900823 at . SAP NetWeaver has special requirements for the swap space.

SAP HANA needs three volumes. The data volume is a copy of the in-memory data at a certain time, and the log volume stores each additional transaction to ensure the recovery of the database with zero data loss in the event of a failure. Thus, these two volumes are performance-critical. The shared volume contains all binaries, trace files, and configuration files. Thus, additional space is required for the traces that are written by the compute nodes of the SAP HANA database. Experiences with productive SAP HANA installations show that the larger the size of the SAP HANA database, the more traces are written. Therefore, the calculation is based on the total memory requirement (RAM). Some other binaries are stored in the /usr/sap directory, and so it is recommended to store them in a separate volume.

To configure the storage appropriately, this role can be used. According to the sizing guides, a single-node SAP HANA system requires the following storage volumes:

  • /hana/shared/<SID>: minimum 1x RAM, 1 TB

  • /hana/data/<SID>: 1.2x anticipated net data size on disk

  • /hana/log/<SID>: minimum RAM/2, 512 GB

An example variable configuration for a 128 GB system might look as follows:

      - name: sap
          - sdb
          - sdc
          - sdd
          - sde
          - sdf
          - name: data
            size: "128 GiB"
            mount_point: "/hana/data"
            fs_type: xfs
            state: present
          - name: log
            size: "64 GiB"
            mount_point: "/hana/log"
            fs_type: xfs
            state: present
          - name: shared
            size: "128 GiB"
            mount_point: "/hana/shared"
            fs_type: xfs
            state: present
          - name: sap
            size: "50 GiB"
            mount_point: "/usr/sap"
            state: present

{% endraw % }

For initial installations, it can be useful to set the storage_safe_mode variable to false. In that case, existing configurations are overwritten.


SAP requires proper time synchronization. This Linux system role is a proper way to set the time. It can be used with different providers, such as chrony or ntpd.

The following example configures the chrony time server:

{% endraw % }

For initial installations, it can be useful to set the storage_safe_mode variable to false. In that case, existing configurations are overwritten.


SAP requires proper time synchronization. This Linux system role is a proper way to set the time. It can be used with different providers, such as chrony or ntpd.

The following example configures the chrony time server:

{% raw %}

      - hostname:
        iburst: yes
timesync_ntp_provider: chrony

Although this role is not needed in this course, it is a valuable role for SAP setups, because a production system typically has separate networks or VLANs for the following purposes:

  • Public network to access the SAP service

  • Cluster interconnect

  • Administrative network (to run Ansible)

  • Maybe others

An example variable configuration might look as follows:

network_provider: nm
- name: admin
  interface_name: eth0
  #persistent_state: present  # default
  type: ethernet
  autoconnect: yes
  mac: "00:00:5e:00:53:5d"
    dhcp4: yes

# Create a bond profile, which is the parent of VLAN.
- name: prod2
  state: up
  type: bond
  interface_name: bond2
    dhcp4: no
    auto6: no
    mode: active-backup
    miimon: 110

  # enslave an ethernet to the bond
  - name: prod2-slave1
    state: up
    type: ethernet
    interface_name: eth1
    master: prod2

  # on top of it, create a VLAN with ID 100 and static
  # addressing
  - name: prod2.100
    state: up
    type: vlan
    parent: prod2
    vlan_id: 100
        - ""
      auto6: no

network_allow_restart: yes

You might add another interface to the bond or a more detailed IP configuration. The concept should be clear by now.


SAP requires a couple of basic settings that are described in SAP Note 2369910, , and some other SAP notes. The sap_general_preconfigure role defines the parameters that must be set for all SAP software.

The role is designed to be used without parameters to produce valid output.

An important requirement for SAP is to set up the hostname and DNS according to SAP guidelines. The role verifies this setup and can fix it. Because it can be destructive, or because customers might have other ways to ensure proper DNS and host configuration setup, the default is that the role checks DNS only, and issues warnings if it is not set according to SAP requirements.

To ensure configuration of the correct hostname resolution, the role can update the /etc/hosts file with the correct configuration in a non-destructive way. All previous aliases are kept. To apply changes in the /etc/hosts file, the following variable must be set:

sap_general_preconfigure_modify_etc_hosts: true

When making these changes, the role assumes that the public interface for the SAP service is the same as the interface that is used for accessing the node via Ansible. In a production environment, the public interface of the SAP service is likely to be different from the administrative interface. The following variables must be set accordingly when you allow changes to the /etc/hosts file:

  • sap_hostname: The short hostname of the public IP of the SAP server. It defaults to ansible_hostname.

  • sap_domain: The DNS domain of the SAP server. It defaults to ansible_fqdn.

  • sap_ip: The IP address of the SAP server. It defaults to ansible_default_ipv4.address.

The role is designed not to update a server, and to stop with an error message if something occurs that requires a reboot. The reason is to respond correctly to a reboot situation, and not to reboot a production system by accident after updating.

When installing a fresh system, the system must be updated and rebooted before the SAP software installation. To enable this behavior, set the following variables:

sap_general_preconfigure_update: true
sap_general_preconfigure_fail_if_reboot_required: false
sap_general_preconfigure_reboot_ok: true

The DNS setup of the servers is only tested and might not be completely correct. The role throws errors, but is not failing if DNS setup is not correct, provided that the required name resolution works with files. However, it is recommended to have proper DNS in production.


The sap_hana_preconfigure role does all preconfiguration steps for SAP HANA, which are described in many applicable SAP Notes. The SAP Notes that apply to the underlying operating system and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platform are automatically selected, so that it works identically for on-premise or on cloud, on Intel or on Power LE.

This role can be used without any additional parameters, although some might be adjusted in production, such as some kernel parameters. SAP Note #238241 defines many kernel parameter options, which can be set in the sap_hana_preconfigure_kernel_parameters variable. However, for an initial setup, the default parameters are suitable.

For more information about the parameters, read the role description, or see the role default variable definitions at .

The role can be used to verify the environment before a HANA update or for a fresh installation. Thus, the default behavior of the role is not to update, and to verify whether updates occurred previously and the system needs a reboot. If this case applies, then the role fails and the administrator can fix it before a SAP HANA update. For a fresh installation, it is good to update the system and to reboot before the HANA installation. To apply that behavior, set the following variables:

sap_hana_preconfigure_update: true
sap_hana_preconfigure_fail_if_reboot_required: false
sap_hana_preconfigure_reboot_ok: true

The purpose of these variables is identical to the sap_general_preconfigure role.

Now you have an overview of the roles that prepare Red Hat Enterprise Linux to install SAP software.

Additional Information

Linux System Roles (Upstream)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Roles Ansible Collection

How to Configure Network Settings with Ansible System Roles

Community SAP Installation Collection

Red Hat SAP Installation Collection

Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Roles knowledge base article

BLOG: The Ultimate Guide to Effective Sizing of SAP HANA

Recommended File System Layout