Guided Exercise: Setting up SAP HANA

In this exercise, you access and use the lab environment and install SAP HANA in parallel on both SAP HANA servers.


You write a playbook that installs SAP HANA on the hana1 and hana2 servers, which are defined in the hanas inventory group.

As the student user on the workstation machine, use the lab command to prepare your system for this exercise.

This command ensures that the environment is configured correctly for creating your Ansible playbooks in the future.

[student@workstation ~]$ lab start sap-hana-install
  1. Change to the ansible-files directory in your home directory:

    [student@workstation ~]$ cd ~/ansible-files
  2. Add the following content to the group_vars/hanas file:

    ## BEGIN sap_hana_install parameters
    sap_hana_install_software_directory: /sap-software/HANA2SPS06
    sap_hana_install_software_extract_directory: /sap-hana-inst
    sap_hana_install_master_password: "R3dh4t$123"
    sap_hana_sid: "RHE"
    sap_hana_instance_number: "00"
    sap_hana_install_restrict_max_mem: 'y'
    sap_hana_install_max_mem: 38912
    sap_hana_install_system_roles_collection: 'redhat.rhel_system_roles'
    ## END sap_hana_install parameters

    With this configuration, you achieve the following outcomes:

    • The role is looking in the /software/HANA_installation directory for the installation binaries.

    • The role unpacks the HANA archive to the /sap-hana-inst directory locally.

    • The database password is set to R3dh4t$123.

    • HANA is installed with SID RHE and instance number 00.

    • The memory is limited to 38 GB in this installation.

    • the community role will use redhat.rhel_system_roles collection

    Later in the course, you install S/4HANA Foundation on this HANA database, which writes only approximately 18 GB into the HANA database. The full S/4HANA needs 75 GB, so you would need a 128 GB host to work with.

  3. Create the install-sap-hana.yml playbook to install SAP HANA on the servers:

    - name: Step 3-B - Install SAP HANA
      hosts: hanas
      become: true
        - name: ensure software mountpoint exists
              path: "{{ sap_hana_install_software_directory }}"
              state: directory
              mode: '0755'
        - name: Ensure SAP software directory is mounted
            src: "utility:{{ sap_hana_install_software_directory }}"
            path: "{{ sap_hana_install_software_directory }}"
            opts: ro
            boot: no
            fstype: nfs
            state: mounted
        - name: execute the SAP Hana Installation
            name: community.sap_install.sap_hana_install
        - name: Ensure SAP software directory is unmounted
            path: "{{ sap_hana_install_software_directory }}"
            state: unmounted
  4. Execute the install-sap-hana.yml playbook.

    [student@workstation ansible-files]$ ansible-playbook install-sap-hana.yml -v -K
    BECOME password: student
    ...output omitted...
    PLAY RECAP      : ok=49   changed=7    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=86   rescued=0    ignored=0      : ok=49   changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=86   rescued=0    ignored=0

    Be patient. The playbook needs approximately 20 minutes to finish installation.

  5. Verify the SAP HANA installation on hana1 and hana2

    1. Log in to hana1

      [student@workstation ansible-files]$ ssh hana1
      [student@hana1 ~]$
    2. Assume the sidadm role. The SID is RHE, so that the user is rheadm

      [student@hana1 ~]$ sudo su - rheadm
      [sudo] password for student: student
    3. Get information on the running HANA database:

      rheadm@hana1:/usr/sap/RHE/HDB00> HDB info
      USER          PID     PPID  %CPU        VSZ        RSS COMMAND
      rheadm      34813    34812   0.0     235320       5308 -sh
      rheadm      35053    34813   0.0     222780       3376  \_ /bin/sh /usr/sap/RHE/HDB00/HDB info
      rheadm      35088    35053   0.0     268532       4064      \_ ps fx -U rheadm -o user:8,pid:8,ppid:8,pcpu:5,vsz:10,rss:10,args
      rheadm      33070        1   0.0     605648      32288 hdbrsutil  --start --port 30003 --volume 3 --volumesuffix mnt00001/hdb00003.00003 --identifier 1662543563
      rheadm      32640        1   0.0     605596      32480 hdbrsutil  --start --port 30001 --volume 1 --volumesuffix mnt00001/hdb00001 --identifier 1662543528
      rheadm      32558        1   0.0      25552       3160 sapstart pf=/hana/shared/RHE/profile/RHE_HDB00_hana1
      rheadm      32565    32558   0.1     509132      82476  \_ /usr/sap/RHE/HDB00/hana1/trace/hdb.sapRHE_HDB00 -d -nw -f /usr/sap/RHE/HDB00/hana1/daemon.ini pf=/usr/sap/RHE/SYS/profile/RHE_HDB00
      rheadm      32587    32565  80.9   12976708    9227456      \_ hdbnameserver
      rheadm      32936    32565   0.5    1229592     161352      \_ hdbcompileserver
      rheadm      32939    32565   158    4845808    4090964      \_ hdbpreprocessor
      rheadm      32975    32565  86.6   13492316    9544808      \_ hdbindexserver -port 30003
      rheadm      32978    32565   2.9    4611388    1333984      \_ hdbxsengine -port 30007
      rheadm      33240    32565   1.4    3424128     480388      \_ hdbwebdispatcher
      rheadm      32478        1   0.6     523588      30932 /usr/sap/RHE/HDB00/exe/sapstartsrv pf=/hana/shared/RHE/profile/RHE_HDB00_hana1 -D -u rheadm

      If these processes are displayed, the installation was successful

    4. Repeat the steps 5.1 - 5.3 on hana2